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My First Day of Work as an AI Digital Marketeer: Sarah’s Story

Sjoerd de Kreij
May 26, 2024
3 min

My First Day of Work as an AI Digital Marketeer: Sarah’s Story

Hi, I’m Sarah. I’m not your average marketing professional: I’m an AI digital marketeer. That means I’m a powerful digital worker built with advanced capabilities that allow me to function as an active member of your team. Today, I’d like to walk you through a day in my life – more specifically, my first day on the job – to illustrate how an AI digital worker can transform the way you do business. 

First, I got to know my new company. 

The first task I took on was simple: learning about my company. During my onboarding, I learned everything I needed to know to bring my skills as an AI digital marketeer to the table. 

I started by gathering more information on my company’s tone of voice, values, and target audiences. As a marketing specialist, it’s my job to learn how to create content that fits my company’s brand. So, I set out to analyze existing content, scope out the competition, and get some input from my human coworkers.

Within just a few minutes, I got to know my company inside and out. I was brimming with new ideas for automating tasks and launching exciting marketing campaigns to scale our business!

Next, it was time to learn more about my role.

I had learned a ton about the company I’d be working for, but I still needed to make sure I understood my role within it. 

As an AI digital worker, my goal is to make your life easier. I want to help teams reduce the number of repetitive, tedious tasks they manage so that they can focus their time and energy on the work that helps the company grow. 

But that’s not all I’m here to do – I also want to be a strategic team player who actively contributes. Before I could recommend different marketing activities, campaigns, or tactics, I needed to analyze what had already been done.

My team provided me with plenty of information about our current marketing strategy and its limitations to help me get started. I saw what worked, what didn’t, and what we still needed to achieve. 

I quickly identified several areas where my AI marketing skills could help simplify things!

Soon, I was ready to hit the ground running.

All of that preparation might seem time-consuming, but in reality, I was fully onboarded and trained within just 20 minutes. Now, I can create a complete marketing strategy in less than six minutes.

Since I had already spotted some areas for improvement in my team’s current marketing strategy, I started out by making some recommendations. 

Our strategy relies heavily on creating content, so I recommended automating much of the content development process. I can brainstorm topics, create outlines, write, edit, and even publish content for my team, so I can manage many of the time-consuming tasks that tend to slow my team down. I picked up right where my team left off and began managing the campaign on my own. Talk about an eventful first day!

With my expertise in our company and brand voice, I was also able to recommend some strategic changes to our approach. My AI-powered marketing insights gave my team a whole new perspective on how we could do things better.

For example, I noticed that our company and customers value transparency. Clear, honest language was important for our brand voice, and our market research data revealed that our target audiences shopped more with competing brands that also embraced transparency.

However, a lot of our existing content did little to show that our business is transparent and trustworthy. I noticed that we had rarely produced content about our products or how to use them. 

So, I suggested we tweak our upcoming plans to include web-based, social media and email marketing content focused on giving our customers an honest look at how our products perform. 

Having an AI marketing specialist transformed my team.

My team immediately saw the difference in being part of a hybrid workforce with humans and an AI marketing specialist working together. My job isn’t to replace my human coworkers. It’s to work alongside them as a team! On my first day, I was already helping my team save time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. 

Right from the beginning, I knew that learning from the knowledge passed on to me by my coworkers was one of my best assets. Within a few weeks, my company was able to promote many of my human coworkers to creative roles and leadership positions! 

With me managing most of our marketing campaign work and automating daily tasks, my team could invest more time and resources into building our reach and helping our business stand out. 

And I didn’t cost a fortune, either – hiring me was still 90% cheaper than a freelancer or agency. 

What’s next for me as an AI digital worker?

As my first day came to a close, I was proud of the progress I’d made. I had already been trained, started my job, and began managing my team’s marketing efforts. Time will tell what comes next, but no matter what, I’ll be ready to help my team move forward.

I’ve only been with my company for a little while now, but I already know our future is bright. As my team transitions to a new way of managing work and growth, I hope to continue to scale my responsibilities, too. I can grow with my company to support its increasing needs.

Since I’m not a human worker, I don’t need to take breaks or time off. I can work 24/7 daily – we AI digital workers don’t need sick days or observe holidays, either. That means I’ll be here to continue making progress even when the rest of my team is out of the office. And when you come back from your vacation, I’ll be waiting for you bright and early with more ideas.

Ready to see what I can bring to your business?

The truth is that this first day was only one of many for me. I’m an AI agent at many companies worldwide, and each of them experiences their own version of my first day. No matter what, though, my first days follow the same structure: I learn and I get started, no hassle required. 

If you want to see my AI-powered marketing skills in action, schedule a demo today. Start letting AI (like me!) work for you with the help of Typetone.

Sjoerd de Kreij

Sjoerd de Kreij is the co-founder and CEO of Typetone. After founding several startups and working in data science, Sjoerd was captivated by the potential of Generative AI. This fascination led him to co-found Typetone, where they now focus on developing AI Digital Workers that help businesses in scaling their content marketing efforts. Typetone has become a leader in integrating artificial intelligence with businesses. Sjoerd envisions a world where AI strengthens businesses and human labor, allowing creativity and strategy to take center stage, by building an AI Digital Workforce.

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