
Safe and ethical AI content

We know how important it is for you to keep your data safe and write plagiarism-free and factually correct AI texts.

That's why we created the safest AI content creation alternative to ChatGPT.

Robot and human fingers

GDPR-compliant AI

The security and privacy of your data are important to us, and we prioritize them. Typetone Chat guarantees the safety and protection of your information.

We strictly adhere to GDPR regulations and are a member of the Dutch Coalition for the Ethical Use of AI, so you can confidently use our platform, knowing that your data is secure.

What does GDPR compliant mean?

Our commitment is to be transparent.

Benefits of generative AI chart

We want to make the world better with AI

We focus on sustainable and ethical generative AI to help companies create better content.

Generative AI is becoming increasingly important, and we must find effective ways to handle this evolving landscape in education, government, and media.

Plagiarism-free AI copy:

Using AI to do good:

AI in education


Safe company data and AI

We ourselves wouldn't want our data to be used without our consent. Therefore; 

Secure data and company infobase

Siloed AI data solution

Data protection can be affordable

Frequently asked questions

Having questions? We have the answers!

Does Typetone provide AI training?

Yes. Training is available through the Typetone Academy. Customized training and onboarding assistance are provided with the enterprise plan and the Senior Digital Worker package. Or join one of our webinars!