
Want to grow your business with SEO and Socials?

Stop costly recruiting of content specialists. We get it.You know it is important but don’t have time for your marketing.
  • 100% autonomous - no more time investment
  • No more hiring or agency struggles
  • Grow your business online, with on-brand socials
Join more than 5.000 small businesses that already hired Sarah

How small businesses work with Sarah

SMB’s getting unburdened on content marketing. AI that feels human.

Onboarded in 20 minutes - content for months:

Expert content strategy - Human in the loop:

More traffic, more leads

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Explore the main differences between Typetone (Sarah) and an agency.
Find out why Typetone is the ideal choice for businesses looking to automate content.
Marketing Agency
Time investment
The amount of time to onboard someone for content marketing, back and forth, feedback.
7 full days
20 minutes in total
€3000 per month
From €249 per month
Amount of posts
The amount of SEO and Social posts you get per month.
3-4 social posts per week
Unlimited Social and SEO posts
Industry expertise
Sarah is an industry expert on basically every sector and industry. This makes her content suited for thought leaders and all businesses.
No / rarely
Includes images and content calendar
Including On-brand and rights free images and a content calendar.
Always available, instantly
With agencies you need to wait days for response. Sarah works 24/7 and can always be reached instantly.


Why other businesses love working with Sarah

Anneke van der Velden
Founder, Astonic Rides
"Typetone freed up so much of our time. We used to spend hours brainstorming topics and finding images. Now we focus on what we do best - making great bikes''
Hans Reijnen
CEO @ Reijnen Online
"We tried doing it ourselves, but keeping up with regular posts was impossible. Typetone changed that. Now we have fresh content weekly."
Anchrit Ebelaar
Communications, NBBU
"Sarah's content calendar replaced Hootsuite for us. We are also endorsing Sarah to our members’’
Rajno van Wilgenburg
Lead content, Roularta Media
"Dozens of our employees use Typetone to help AI in their editorial processes and optimize on SEO"
Aaron Phillip
Founder, Clarity Recruits
"She creates a content calendar that aligns perfectly with our product launches. The included images are a huge time-saver."
Willeke de Raad
Content Lead, Renewi
"Typetone solved our content consistency issues. We used to post sporadically, but now we have a steady flow of quality articles."
Boudewijn Tulkens
Founder, Privacy Factory
"Trying to manage our blog myself was a nightmare. Sarah not only writes great content but fills our calendar months in advance."
Luca Caira
Co-Founder of Contentcation
"I was skeptical at first, but Typetone.ai has completely transformed my content creation process. It feels like having a personal writing assistant by my side!"
Lara Morgan
Business and Career Coach
"I can't believe how accurately Typetone captures my writing style. It saves me so much time and effort, allowing me to focus on growing my business."

Frequently asked questions about AI 
content for SMB’s

Having questions? We have the answers!

Why automate content marketing with an AI Content Marketeer?

Content marketing is vital for business growth, but it's expensive and time-consuming. Most people don't have the bandwidth to handle it themselves, and working with agencies can be a pain. What you really need is a dedicated employee, but that comes with its own costs and challenges.

That's where Sarah steps in. She's our AI content marketeer who automates the entire process from start to finish, at a cost comparable to an intern. The kicker? Sarah's an expert across all industries. With her, you can boost your business growth by 200% without investing your precious time or dealing with the usual hassles. It's hands-off growth, plain and simple.

Why Typetone, and why Sarah?

Typetone and Sarah are the real deal. We've built Sarah to be the AI content marketeer that actually gets stuff done. She's not just another writing tool - she's your full-stack content strategist, SEO whiz, and social media guru all in one. Plus, we've got the track record to back it up. We've been at this longer than ChatGPT, with over 90,000 users already seeing results.

And don't worry about security - we're fully GDPR compliant and take your data protection seriously. With Typetone, you're getting a proven, secure solution that turns your content marketing from a headache into a growth engine. No more agency drama or time sink - just solid results from a platform that's been delivering long before AI became the hot new thing.

What are the benefits of using AI and hiring Sarah for content?

Using Sarah AI Agent for content is like having a marketing team without the headaches. You get top-notch content churned out 24/7, perfectly optimized for SEO and all Social Media and consistent across all channels. She's way cheaper than agencies or full-time staff, and can scale up without breaking a sweat. Plus, you're completely unburdened – no more late nights wrestling with writer's block or drowning in analytics. Sarah handles it all, leaving you free to focus on the big picture stuff that really moves the needle for your business.

How does Sarah work to create social posts and SEO blogs?

Sarah's got a simple but powerful process:

  1. First, she learns. She digs into your industry, audience, and brand voice. She's always updating her knowledge, staying on top of trends and what's working.
  2. Then, she creates. Using what she's learned, Sarah whips up social posts and SEO-optimized blogs that hit the mark. She's not just spitting out generic stuff – it's tailored content that speaks to your audience.
  3. Finally, she fills up your content calendar and schedules everything for publication. No more scrambling to figure out what to post and when.

If you want, you can do a human check before things go live. But honestly, most folks find they don't need to after a while. Sarah's that good.

Does Sarah truly fill a full content calendar for months?

Yes she does. In 20 minutes. On brand high performing content.

How can I get started with AI content automation as SMB / Startup?

Getting started with Sarah is easy. Just sign up on our website, give her your website and socials – you're off to the races. No need for a fancy tech setup or a PhD in AI. Sarah's designed for SMBs and startups who need results, not headaches. She'll start pumping out content right away, and you'll wonder how you ever managed without her. It's like flipping a switch and suddenly having a full-fledged marketing department. Easy peasy.

What are the costs of Sarah and can I cancel anytime?

Sarah's pricing is straightforward and flexible. You can start with her basic package at the cost of an intern – way more bang for your buck. Or, if you want to level up, you can hire Sarah with a human-in-the-loop expert from the top 3% of content pros. Even then, you're looking at about 10x cheaper than hiring a full-time human.

We've got a 14-day trial you can cancel anytime, no strings attached. After that, you can go monthly if you like to keep things flexible, or save some cash with a yearly contract. Either way, you're not locked in for life. It's all about giving you killer content without breaking the bank or tying you down.