
Create all social media and SEO posts

No more prompting: all posts created, scheduled and published on auto-pilot.
SM & SEO feature
Join more than 5.000 small businesses that already hired Sarah
Content created on autopilot by Sarah AI

Become the authority with 100% on-brand posts

Position your business as the expert with on brand posts based on the latest trends and your products.

Multi-Platform Social Media Posts

SEO-Optimized Blog Articles

AI-Generated Visual Content

Placeholder for feature image
Explore the main differences between Typetone (Sarah) and an agency.
Find out why Typetone is the ideal choice for businesses looking to automate content.
Marketing Agency
Time investment
The amount of time to onboard someone for content marketing, back and forth, feedback.
7 full days
20 minutes in total
€3000 per month
From €249 per month
Amount of posts
The amount of SEO and Social posts you get per month.
3-4 social posts per week
Unlimited Social and SEO posts
Industry expertise
Sarah is an industry expert on basically every sector and industry. This makes her content suited for thought leaders and all businesses.
No / rarely
Includes images and content calendar
Including On-brand and rights free images and a content calendar.
Always available, instantly
With agencies you need to wait days for response. Sarah works 24/7 and can always be reached instantly.


Why other businesses love working with Sarah

Anneke van der Velden
Founder, Astonic Rides
"Typetone freed up so much of our time. We used to spend hours brainstorming topics and finding images. Now we focus on what we do best - making great bikes''
Hans Reijnen
CEO @ Reijnen Online
"We tried doing it ourselves, but keeping up with regular posts was impossible. Typetone changed that. Now we have fresh content weekly."
Anchrit Ebelaar
Communications, NBBU
"Sarah's content calendar replaced Hootsuite for us. We are also endorsing Sarah to our members’’
Rajno van Wilgenburg
Lead content, Roularta Media
"Dozens of our employees use Typetone to help AI in their editorial processes and optimize on SEO"
Aaron Phillip
Founder, Clarity Recruits
"She creates a content calendar that aligns perfectly with our product launches. The included images are a huge time-saver."
Willeke de Raad
Content Lead, Renewi
"Typetone solved our content consistency issues. We used to post sporadically, but now we have a steady flow of quality articles."
Boudewijn Tulkens
Founder, Privacy Factory
"Trying to manage our blog myself was a nightmare. Sarah not only writes great content but fills our calendar months in advance."
Luca Caira
Co-Founder of Contentcation
"I was skeptical at first, but Typetone.ai has completely transformed my content creation process. It feels like having a personal writing assistant by my side!"
Lara Morgan
Business and Career Coach
"I can't believe how accurately Typetone captures my writing style. It saves me so much time and effort, allowing me to focus on growing my business."

Frequently asked questions about creating socials and SEO on autopilot with AI

Having questions? We have the answers!

What types of social media posts can Sarah create?

Sarah can create a wide range of social media posts:

1. Text updates: Snappy one-liners to full-blown mini-articles.

2. Images: Eye-catching graphics with your branding.

3. Infographics: Data visualizations that break down complex info.

4. Carousel posts: Multi-image posts for storytelling or showcasing products.

5. Poll posts: To boost engagement and get audience insights.

6. Quote posts: Highlighting industry thought leaders or your own wisdom.

7. Behind-the-scenes content: Giving followers a peek into your business.

8. Product highlights: Showing off what you're selling without being pushy.

9. User-generated content reposts: Sharing the love from your customers.

10. Industry news and trends: Keeping your followers in the loop.

Sarah tailors these to each platform - what works on LinkedIn isn't the same as what kills it on TikTok. She'll mix it up to keep your feed fresh and your followers engaged.

How does Sarah optimize content for SEO?

Sarah optimizes content for SEO by starting with thorough keyword research. She identifies high-value, relevant keywords and naturally incorporates them into the content. She structures articles with SEO-friendly headers, meta descriptions, and title tags. Sarah also focuses on creating high-quality, informative content that answers user queries, which helps with rankings. She optimizes images with alt text and ensures proper internal linking. Sarah keeps an eye on factors like page load speed and mobile responsiveness too.

She stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes, adjusting strategies accordingly. Essentially, Sarah handles both on-page and technical SEO elements to boost your content's visibility in search results, all without you having to dive into the nitty-gritty of SEO yourself.

Can Sarah generate images for social media posts?

Sarah can generate images for your social media posts. She's equipped with advanced AI capabilities that allow her to create on-brand visuals, including static images and carousel posts, that perfectly complement the content she writes. This feature ensures visual consistency across your social media platforms and saves you the hassle of juggling multiple tools.

Sarah's image generation is tailored to match your brand's style and the context of each post, enhancing engagement and maintaining a cohesive online presence. This means you can say goodbye to time-consuming design tools like Canva.

However, we understand that some businesses have existing visual assets or prefer to use their own images. Sarah is flexible in this regard - you can easily incorporate your own visuals into the content she creates. This blend of AI-generated and custom imagery gives you the best of both worlds, allowing for a personalized touch while still benefiting from Sarah's efficiency.

How does Sarah ensure content is tailored for different platforms?

Sarah adapts the content for every platform, because she has been trained as a professional in content marketing.

For LinkedIn, she keeps it professional but not stuffy. Twitter? She's all about those snappy, attention-grabbing tweets. On Instagram, she crafts captions that'll make your followers stop scrolling and start double-tapping.

Sarah understands the unique and technical requirements of each platform - character limits, hashtag strategies, you name it. She'll even adjust the tone and format to match what works best where. It's like having a social media Swiss Army knife in your pocket, but way less pointy and much more talkative.

Bottom line? You won't have to worry about your Facebook post looking out of place on TikTok. Sarah makes unique social content across the board, saving you from the dreaded "copy-paste everywhere" approach that makes social media managers cry into their coffee.

Can we customize the tone and style of the generated content?

You can customize the tone and style of the content Sarah generates. Sarah employs advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze your existing content and website, allowing her to understand and replicate your unique brand voice. This ensures that all generated content aligns seamlessly with your established communication style.

If you haven't yet developed a distinct brand voice, don't worry. Our team can assist you in creating one. We'll work with you to define a tone and style that resonates with your target audience and effectively communicates your brand's values and personality.

Sarah's output is highly flexible. You can always fine-tune or adjust the tone as needed, ensuring that the content meets your specific requirements for each campaign or platform. This adaptability allows you to maintain consistency across all your marketing efforts while still having the freedom to tailor content for particular purposes or audiences when necessary.